
☕️ Why you should like doing customer research

Over the past year, I've fallen in love with doing customer/user research. Very often, analysts look like people with fatigue face expressions, but every time I do it, I experience only the joy of discovery with every new user insight.

I've recently discovered that this is an ideal way to conduct market research and identify competitors. Once I've read When Coffee and Kale Compete, where one of the main insights is in the title — you need to know your competitors. In short, the book describes a case of a woman who bought coffee for herself every morning, but one day she switched to another energy drink — kale smoothies. One might think — what an unexpected competitor for a coffee shop, a vegetable cocktail.

I recently worked with location-based services, where the unique selling proposition is, in essence, “know where your loved ones are so you don’t have to worry.” But in fact, it turned out that geolocation is used mainly to keep track of unfaithful spouses. It seems that the ideas are the same, but there is this important ethical difference that changes everything. Another example is that parents are worried about their children and want to see where they are, but children are fighting this with all their might, deleting the application. But when children communicate within their community, it turns into the case of the recently discontinued Zenly app, where teenagers sit and share their location with friends to quickly gather up.

Therefore, the guys and I want to quickly launch the full version of in2view, a platform for finding respondents. As a team, we have done a lot of customer research and we want to share this joy of discovery with everyone. We initially started with the concept that the respondent is a potential world changer since, to complete some important task for himself, he is ready to move mountains even with a poor interface (it seems that we got our first clients that way). And this is another insight from the book about coffee and kale — I can't stop being fascinated by this pair of seemingly unconnected objects.

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