
🙇‍♂️ Why is it so important to conduct user research yourself

One of the important skills that I have acquired by recruiting users for research — including the need for the development of our in2view insights platform — is the expansion of my own network. It is difficult for me to conduct research with strangers, but I try to overcome myself in order to go beyond the comfort zone that most researchers face. So, when you conduct interviews with people - whether you like it or not, in 30-40 minutes of the interview you make some useful acquaintances.

This applies not only to interviews with experts but also with ordinary users, you never know what interesting insight will introduce you to a person. I had such that one of the interviewees at some point began to write to me with questions about the nature of the study and asked what he could read on the topic. And it was a rather trivial study of the mass market, but the experience of communicating with a person was interesting.

It is unlikely that such an experience is possible if you do not conduct an interview yourself.
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