Get audience
for customer researches instantly

our respondents are unbiased, independent and impartial since they are not paid for interviews
make your decisions based on insights from a live connection with core audience
reach respondents for interviews in 15 minutes
What problem are we solving?
Why would you need us?
Be client-oriented
Learn audience needs and then create products
Be client-oriented
The more you connect to your audience, the better you understand their wishes
Simplify user experience of your product
Talk to your client on every stage of your product.
No need to reinvent the wheel
You can find the natural distribution channels directly.
Creation and development
What problem are we solving?
Why would you need us?
проверить спрос на потенциальный продукт
создавай продукт, улучшай продукт, исходя из отзывов текущих и потенциальных клиентов
ты уверен, что знаешь где живет твоя аудитория и как до нее донести УТП?
Creation and development
What problem are we solving?
Why would you need us?
проверить спрос на потенциальный продукт
создавай продукт, улучшай продукт, исходя из отзывов текущих и потенциальных клиентов
ты уверен, что знаешь где живет твоя аудитория и как до нее донести УТП?
The more you connect to your audience, the better you understand their wishes
Simplify user experience of your product
Creation and development
What problem are we solving?
Why would you need us?
проверить спрос на потенциальный продукт
создавай продукт, улучшай продукт, исходя из отзывов текущих и потенциальных клиентов
ты уверен, что знаешь где живет твоя аудитория и как до нее донести УТП?
Talk to your client on every stage of your product
You can find the natural distribution channels directly.
No need to reinvent the wheel
Respondents from different markets: businessmen, bloggers, trainers — we'll find anyone who fits the profile of your core audience
You'll reach relevant respondents in 15 minutes
in2view respondents are unbiased and independent since they are not paid for their interviews
Benchmark Executive Recruitment says that one hour of product management will cost you €40. One hour of in2view work on a yearly plan cost €1.
One research cycle requires 8 hours of product management work. You do the math
Different market segments
17 times faster than average manager
Impartial respondents
35 times better than average product manager
Why are we better than other alternatives?
One service. One window
Schedule a meeting for an interview on the necessary date and time. That's it!
In 15 minutes or less you'll get a notification with the necessary number of respondents ready to be interviewed
You fill up the brief in your profile. It takes less than 5 minutes
How it works
1 way ticket
One time recruitment
Number of respondents in 1 brief
Number of briefs for research per month
Cost if pay for
1 month
£ 60
For growing teams who do their first steps in research
Number of respondents in 1 brief
Number of briefs for research per month
Cost if pay for
1 month
£ 100
£ 90
For bigger teams who want to stay in touch with their clients
Number of respondents in 1 brief
Number of briefs for research per month
Cost if pay for
1 month
£ 275
£ 270
One custom research
Number of respondents in 1 brief
Number of briefs for research per month
Cost if pay for
1 month
Contact us
1 way ticket
One time recruitment
Number of respondents in 1 brief
Number of briefs for research per month
Cost if pay for
1 month
£ 60
For growing teams who do their first steps in research
Number of respondents in 1 brief
Number of briefs for research per month
Cost if pay for
1 month
£ 100
£ 90
For bigger teams who want to stay in touch with their clients
Number of respondents in 1 brief
Number of briefs for research per month
Cost if pay for
1 month
£ 275
£ 270
One custom research
Number of respondents in 1 brief
Number of briefs for research per month
Cost if pay for
1 month
Contact us
Recommended for agencies
Recommended for startups
Our blog
Why is it important to do customer research, how to script interviews and success stories
    Why is target audience research important for companies?
    Target audience research is crucial for companies because it allows them to understand their customers' needs, preferences, and pain points. By conducting audience research, companies can make better decisions about their products and services, optimize marketing strategies, and enhance customer satisfaction, leading to increased revenue and growth.
    Where can I find respondents for customer research?
    You can find respondents for customer research through IN2VIEW. Our platform connects you with pre-screened, targeted individuals who match your specific criteria. By using IN2VIEW, you save time and resources while ensuring high-quality participants for your research.
    What types of customer research can help with?
    IN2VIEW is suitable for various customer research methods, including:
    • In-depth interviews
    • Focus groups
    • Product testing
    • User experience (UX) testing
    How does IN2VIEW work?
    IN2VIEW connects companies with a diverse pool of pre-screened respondents based on specific criteria such as demographics, interests, and behaviors. You simply create a project, define your target audience and wait for the respondents. IN2VIEW then matches your requirements with suitable respondents, who participate in your research activities, providing valuable insights.
    How do I ensure the quality of respondents provided by IN2VIEW?
    IN2VIEW pre-screens all respondents to ensure they meet the required criteria for your project. Our platform also employs a rating system, allowing you to review the performance of respondents and provide feedback, ensuring an ongoing high-quality respondent pool.
    How do I ensure the quality of respondents provided by IN2VIEW?
    IN2VIEW pre-screens all respondents to ensure they meet the required criteria for your project. Our platform also employs a rating system, allowing you to review the performance of respondents and provide feedback, ensuring an ongoing high-quality respondent pool.
    Where do you get your respondents from?
    We source our respondents from a variety of channels, including partnerships with market research firms, online communities, social media platforms, and other relevant networks. Our team carefully curates and pre-screens respondents to ensure they match the required criteria for each project, providing a diverse and representative sample for your research needs.
    Why are your respondents unbiased?
    Our respondents are unbiased because we do not pay them money to participate in research projects. By avoiding monetary incentives, we ensure that respondents are genuinely interested in providing honest feedback and insights, leading to more accurate and reliable data for your research.
    © 2021 — 2023
    in2view OÜ
    Sepapaja tn 6, 15551 Tallinn, Estonia
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